Tuesday, August 15, 2023



For readers of the blog Ghost Stories will be free to read here until 8/25 then it will be removed.

After the 25th it will be removed from the Blog!

To purchase the book or kindle download follow the link here!

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Plan For Now...

 I am updating everyone on the path the blog is going right now. I normally will update all stories 2-3 times a month. However, I wanted to let everyone know that the stories are all progressing slower than usual because I am currently in the editing phase for two books. I added the links for  Ghost Stories for the Chicken At Heart- Extended Version and The Farm. Both of these stories are changing and growing during edit before publication. I will update everyone as soon as these stories are published because they will be free on my website for the first week to read, then will be removed from the website and only available through Amazon.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Self Care Check In!

 As someone who constantly needs to be reminded to take care of herself and relax. I am shouting to all of you amazing people to say, "REMEMBER TO TAKE CARE OF YOU." Do something that you enjoy or something that inspires you and makes you happy. For example, self-care for me outside of taking better care of myself is getting a drink and a snack, sitting at my computer, and working on my writing. I know some people will curl up with a good book or craft. Whatever makes you happy and relaxed works. The most important thing is NEVER let someone give you grief for taking care of yourself. You cannot take care of others if you are not taken care of. Let this be your gentle reminder and self-care tip of the day.

Blessings to you all,


Happy Sunday!

How are you all doing today? I hope you are all doing well. This weekend, I planned on having a mental health weekend. Full of writing and b...