World Works In Mysterious Ways

The world does work in mysterious ways! On Christmas day our beloved black lab Rodeo crossed the rainbow bridge. Rodeo was full of spunk and sass, with a personality that you do not see very often in any animal. She kept me on my toes and was my work buddy. She would wake me up in the morning wanting her breakfast, and if you moved slow, she would tell you what she thought about that.

The day after Thanksgiving we noticed a growth in her mouth and took her to the emergency vet. We were given the news no pet parent wants. There was nothing they could do, and we should make arrangements. I was not prepared for the end with her. Till the end, she continued to sleep next to me while I was working. Then at the end she lost her ability to walk and started having seizures.  Christmas was very sad this past year.

Now almost three months later I went to take out the garbage and there was the tiny orange and white kitten sitting next to a local stray we help take care of named Oreo. I picked her up and walked with her looking for her Mama. Her Mama is a local feral cat who we knew just had kittens. I couldn't find her, so I found my boyfriend and joked and said look what Oreo gave me.  Well as you all may have guessed we kept her. Did it add to the chaos we have already? Sure did. Would I change it? Never!

This little golden girl is named JJ and she is the kitten version of Rodeo. She likes her meals on time and has all of Rodeo's spunk and sass. I believe Rodeo knew how much we loved her and missed her, so she sent JJ to keep us on our toes.

Give your furry kids an extra pat, cuddle and kiss. But most of all blessings and love to you all!
